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The Tollhouse Gallery & Gift Shop


Our beautiful Tollhouse Gallery is one of the best kept secrets in Ohio, as it's packed full with over 2500 artworks by 20+ local artists! You will find a variety of beautiful art, gifts, jewelry, home decor, pottery, and much more. Stop in to meet a different artist each day we're open. Additionally, we host classes here every month.

Hours: Thursday's, Friday's and Saturday's from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sunday's from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Address: 408 N Whitewoman St, Coshocton, Ohio 43812

Become a Vendor at Our Gift Shop

Art guild members can join as a vendor to the Toll House Gallery & Gift Shop in Roscoe Village, Coshocton, Ohio.

If you're not a member... Join us today. We're not renting square footage exactly, because everyone will not be able to display the same amount, or for that matter, even want to display the same amount of art as everyone else.  Some of us are much more prolific than others. Some of us do much smaller art and some of us don't make anything that hangs on a wall. We are a very diverse group of individuals and that is our strength. We don't serve one size fits all artists... so we're not renting one size fits all spaces. Still it is important that we keep the shop full of work if we want to keep customers looking. That's why we will not be dedicating specific wall space areas. If you bring in twenty 8x10's for example, they will not all be hung together. Rather they will be dispersed throughout the shop. The idea is that we promote all the members of the CAG equally as well as guarantee that there isn't many empty gaps in the art displayed. This way we can rotate art and better encourage shoppers to spend a longer length of time inside our facility.


It will be obvious as soon as you enter the facility that there are, besides wall space, ample counter top and shelf space throughout the building, providing much more than just a place to sell wall art. A jeweler for example could display an awful lot of jewelry in a much smaller space than a painter can. Say a shelf that is approximately a foot deep and six feet long or six square feet. Those sorts of displays will be treated differently than wall art. Displays that fit on shelves with multiple small pieces by one artist  will be kept grouped.


A full space is approximately 22 sq. feet for $30 per month, a half space is 10 sq feet for $15 per month. A double space is 42 sq ft for  $50 per month. Just a hint about space, 20 8x10 canvases without frames uses 11 square feet of space. 20 11x14 canvases without frames uses 21 square feet.  Meanwhile... 5 canvases sized 20x30 without frames uses approximately 21 square feet 


What are you getting for the money? Can we guarantee you sales? No. We cannot guarantee your art sells. I can guarantee lots of people see it and that is a lot more than most galleries can say. But the truth is I cannot guarantee even that if the place isn't open.

With that in mind you need to know that part of the agreement between us includes you gallery sitting at least six hours per month.  There is better foot traffic at Roscoe Village on just about any given day than almost any other gallery we know about. 


This is the new vendor contract for the Tollhouse Art & Gift Shop in Roscoe Village. In the beginning  there was no contract required. The Tollhouse is manned totally by volunteers, we have no paid staff.   Hopefully you understand that if the shop is closed then sales for that day will be zero.  In order to be fair. everyone must take a turn on weekends when 80% of our sales are made. That's why going forward  we are requiring all vendors to work at least one weekend day in each two month period.  Most of  our  vendors are already doing that and many are exceeding that.  However we continue to fall short of help on weekends. When I say ALL VENDORS are required to abide by these rules spelled out in the contract  that includes the officers. We mean to be fair and equitable to everyone. 

Tollhouse Gallery & Gift Shop: Contract                        1--I agree and understand that the Tollhouse Art & Giftshop is open only to members of the Coshocton Art Guild, (C.A.G.) and to display and sell at the Tollhouse I must maintain my membership in the C.A.G. 2-The C.A.G. will provide me with approximately 10 square feet of display space for the sum of $15 per month.  22 square feet of display space to display my art work for the sum of $30 per month. Or approximately 42 square feet for $50 per month. Rent is due at the 1st of each month. If joining after the 15th of the month, your second month’s rent will be prorated to reflect your over payment for the first month rent. 3- I understand that there is no assigned space inside the Tollhouse and that my work will be distributed throughout the facility as management decides. 4- I agree that all work submitted whether original art or reproduction / print is my own work and to which I own all intellectual rights. 5- I understand that I am responsible for tracking my own inventory and replenishing sold items. 6- I understand that the Tollhouse facility is operated by C.A.G. volunteers and I am required to voluntarily work minimally one (1) six, (6) hour day per month. I also understand that a minimum one, (1) six (6) hour day must be a Saturday or Sunday in every two (2) month period. That failure to work my agreed upon scheduled day without making arrangements means the shop will be closed. More than one instance will result in termination of this agreement. 7- Similar size or shape items will be priced the same and will be assigned the same code to simplify sales checkout and record keeping. 8- The C.A.G. and volunteers promise to exercise care and watchfulness and will not be held responsible for damage or loss to your items. 9- I understand that a C.A.G. commission of twenty percent (20%) is charged on each sale for the operation of the Tollhouse Giftshop. 10- I understand that checks for all sales of my work in the Tollhouse Giftshop will be sent to my home address by U.S. mail every month.                                                                 ______________ Vendor’s Signature / Date_____________                    ______________ C.A.G. Representative / Date__________

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